Collection: Fate

"Fate" is a Japanese multimedia franchise that began as a visual novel video game titled "Fate/stay night", developed by Type-Moon. Since its inception, the series has evolved to include several anime adaptations, manga, light novels, and spin-off games. One of the most distinctive aspects of the franchise is its exploration of the concept of the Holy Grail and the war that comes with it.

The basic story of "Fate/stay night" takes place in Fuyuki City, where seven mages called "Masters" summon seven heroic spirits, known as "Servants", to participate in the Holy Grail War. Their goal is to win the Holy Grail, a magical artifact capable of granting the winner a wish. Each Servant is bonded to a Master, and duos battle each other until only one survivor remains.

Throughout the various adaptations and prequels, the "Fate" series explores various timelines and characters, introducing new perspectives and deepening the complex universe of the Holy Grail War. Some of the notable titles in the franchise include "Fate/Zero", "Fate/Apocrypha", and "Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works".

The charismatic characters, epic battles, and philosophical themes of destiny, morality, and the quest for self make the "Fate" series a popular source of material for collectible figurines. Anime and video game fans will find this franchise a captivating blend of fantasy, action, and drama.
